SRS (Library Management System) | Overall Description

4.2.1 Product Perspective:

LMS is a replacement for the ordinary library management systems which depend on paper work for recording book and users’ information. LMS will provide an advanced book search mechanism and will make it easy to borrow, insert and index a book in the library.

4.2.2 Product Functions:

The proposed Library Management System (LMS) is designed to simplify the day-to-day activities of a library, providing features for both users and administrators.

Authentication and Authorization System:

  • The system implements a secure login mechanism for users, and administrators. The admin has the authority to manage user access and ensure data integrity.

For Users:

We will have following features for a User:

  1. New User Registration:
    • This feature allows new users (students, teachers, etc.) to sign up for the system by providing the necessary details.
  2. Student Login:
    • This feature Provides authenticated access for registered users to use the system.
  3. Search Book:
    • This feature allow users to search for books based on criteria such as book ID, book name, or author name, enhancing the ease of locating desired materials.
  4. Issue Book:
    • This feature allow users in borrowing books from the library by recording the transaction and updating the availability status.
  5. Return Book:
    • This feature allows users to return books either before the due date or after the specified time with a late fine, ensuring proper management of borrowed materials.

For Admin:

  1. Record Library Activities:
    • This feature allows librarians to enter various records into the system, such as book issuances, returns, and non-availability of books.
  2. Manage Books:
    • This feature allow librarians to keep track of the library’s books by adding new books or removing them.
  3. Manage Student:
    • This feature allow librarians to keep track of number of students and their details.
  4. View Issued Books:
    • This feature allows librarians to view all Issued books with their status.
  5. Defaulter List:
    • This feature allows librarians to show the details of the student who did not return the books before the deadline.
  6. Issue Book:
    • This feature allow users in borrowing books from the library by recording the transaction and updating the availability status.

4.2.3 Class Diagram and Characteristics:

Class Diagram for Library Management System simply describes structure of Library Management System class, attributes, methods or operations, relationship among objects.

Class Diagram for Library Management System Project

Aggregation and Multiplicity are two important points that need to take into consideration while designing a Class Diagram. Let us understand in detail.


  • Aggregation simply shows a relationship where one thing can exist independently of other thing. It means to create or compose different abstractions together in defining a class.
  • Aggregation is represented as a part of relationship in class diagram. In diagram given below, we can see that aggregation is represented by an edge with a diamond end pointing towards superclass.
  • The “Library Management System” is superclass that consists of various classes. These classes are User, Book, and Librarian as shown in diagram. Further, for “Account” class, “User” is a superclass. All of these, share a relationship and these relationships are known as aggregate relationships.


  • Multiplicity means that number of elements of a class is associated with another class. These relations can be one-to-one, many-to-many, and many-to-one or one-to-many. For denoting one element we use 1, for zero elements we use 0, and for many elements we use *.
  • We can see in diagram; many users are associated with many books denoted by * and this represents a many-to-many type of relationship. One user has only one account that is denoted by 1 and this represents a one-to-one type of relationship.
  • Many books are associated with one librarian and this represents many-to-one or one-to-many type of relationship. All these relationships are shown in diagram.

4.2.4 General Constraints:

  • The information of all users, books and libraries must be stored in a database that is accessible by the website.
  • MS SQL Server will be used as SQL engine and database.
  • The Online Library System is running 24 hours a day.
  • Users may access LMS from any computer that has Internet browsing capabilities and an Internet connection.
  • Users must have their correct usernames and passwords to enter into their online accounts and do actions.

4.2.5 Assumptions and Dependencies:

The assumptions are:-

  • The Coding should be error free.
  • The system should be user-friendly so that it is easy to use for the users .
  • The information of all users, books and libraries must be stored in a database that is accessible by the website .
  • The system should have more storage capacity and provide fast access to the database.
  • The system should provide search facility and support quick transactions.
  • The Library System is running 24 hours a day .
  • Users must have their correct usernames and passwords to enter into their online accounts and do actions .

The Dependencies are:-

  • The specific hardware and software due to which the product will be run.
  • On the basis of listing requirements and specification the project will be developed and run.
  • The end users (admin) should have proper understanding of the product.
  • The system should have the general report stored.
  • The information of all the users must be stored in a database that is accessible by the Library System.
  • Any update regarding the book from the library is to be recorded to the database and the data entered should be correct.

Library Management System Project | Software Development

Library Management System is one of the most common software development projects till date. In this article, we are going to make the Library Management System software development project, from scratch, for final year students. We will be covering all the steps you have to do while developing this project.

Library Management System | Software Development Project

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Step 2- Topic Selection

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Step 3- Synopsys for Library Management System Project

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Step 4- Requirement Gathering (Creating SRS for Library Management System)

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Software Requirement Specification (SRS) Document | Library Management System Project

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4.1 SRS (Library Management System) | Introduction:

4.1.1 Purpose:...

4.2 SRS (Library Management System) | Overall Description:

4.2.1 Product Perspective:...

4.3 SRS (Library Mangement System) | Designing Library Management System Project:

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Use case Diagram for Library Management System Project:

Use Case Diagram of Library Management System Project...

ER Model of Library Management System Project:

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4.4 Functional Requirements | SRS (Library Management System)

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4.5 Non Functional Requirements | SRS (Library Mangement System)

4.5.1 Usability Requirements:...

4.6 SRS (Library Management System) | Appendices:

Appendix A:...

5. Coding or Implementation of Library Management System

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Go to your favourite browser and write localhost/dashboard >> phpmyadmin...

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Step 7- Creating Project Presentation on Library Management System:

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Step 8- Writing a Research Paper on Library Management System Project:

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Future Enhancements for Library Management System Project

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